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Compensation and Justice for Sexual Assault Victims

The estimated lifetime cost of a sexual assault, mostly lost wages and medical bills, is over $100,000. The lifetime pain and suffering these incidents cause is almost incalculable. Victims need and deserve compensation for these losses. They also need and deserve justice for their injuries, a justice that criminal courts often cannot provide. A…

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Top Five Wrongful Death Causes in South Carolina

Violence and injuries are the leading cause of death for people under 44. These tragic incidents usually aren’t “accidents.” Instead, negligence, or a lack of care, usually causes wrongful death. Financial compensation cannot possibly fill the emotional void that a wrongful death leaves. Quite frankly, however, it helps. Compensation enables survivors to move on…

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Top Five Pedestrian Crash Injuries

Most pedestrian accidents happen outside marked crosswalks. Since the tortfeasor (negligent driver) is traveling at or near top speed at the moment of impact, pedestrian injuries are extremely serious. At impact speeds under 30mph, the pedestrian fatality rate is under 10 percent. The death rate catapults to 90 percent at speeds above 50mph. Driver…

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Breaking Down a Nursing Home Negligence Case

Basically, negligence is a lack of care. Since nursing home employees take care of physically frail people, the duty of care is very high. Usually, owners have a duty of reasonable care. Like the Good Samaritan went out of his way to help an injured traveler, they must go out of their way to…

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Finding the Right Sexual Assault Lawyer in South Carolina

Sexual assault usually isn’t a random crime. Almost 90 percent of sexual assault victims knew their attackers. All sexual assaults cause serious physical and emotional injuries. Acquantaince rape injuries are usually worse, because of the betrayal of trust element. That’s especially true in Boy Scout, Catholic Church, or other organizational sexual assault matetrs. Usually,…

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Legal Options in Wrongful Death Cases

Between 1921 and 1923, the life expectancy rate dropped, because of the Spanish Flu epidemic. Between 2020 and 2022, the life expectancy rate dropped almost as sharply, partially due to the coronavirus pandemic. Increased drug overdose deaths, mostly heroin and fentanyl, also contributed to the decline. Pain pill overuse, mostly because manufacturers made such…

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