Common Back Injuries in Car Accidents


Being in a car accident can result in serious injuries, some of which may lead to short- or long-term disability and suffering. While an injury can affect any part of the body, one area that is often affected is the back. Take a look at some common back injuries in car accidents. If you have suffered from one of these injuries and have questions about your car accident claim and your right to compensation, our experienced lawyers can help. Contact our South Carolina law firm today to learn more.

Types of Back Injuries from Car Accidents

Even minor accidents that occur at low speeds can result in back pain and injuries. Some of the most common back injuries in car accidents include:

  • Whiplash. Whiplash is by far one of the most common injuries that results from a car accident. This type of injury happens when a person’s head is whipped back and forth as a result of the force of a collision. Typically referred to as a sprain or strain, most whiplash injuries will heal fully with time.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Unlike a whiplash injury which is likely to heal, a spinal cord injury is much more serious and is permanent. If the spinal cord is impacted, then the individual will experience paralysis or partial paralysis from the site of the injury and below for the remainder of their life.
  • Herniated disc injuries. Often called a ruptured or slipped disc, a herniated disc injury refers to a condition where the jelly-like center of a disc that sits between vertebrae in the spine pushes out through a tear in the annulus (the structure of the disc). This can lead to pain, numbness, weakness, and disability.
  • Bone fractures. If the spine is impacted with enough force during a collision, then one of the vertebrae within the spine could suffer a bone fracture. One of the biggest complications of a vertebra fracture is the risk of spinal cord injury.
  • Sprains and strains. Finally, sprains and strains of the back are common as a result of a car accident, and can leave an affected individual with feelings of pain or weakness.

Common Treatment for Back Injuries

The treatment that may be allocated to a patient who is suffering from a back injury will depend on the type and severity of the back injury. For example, a person who has suffered a spinal cord injury will require emergency life-saving care, and will likely require care for the remainder of their life. On the other hand, someone who has suffered from a mild whiplash injury may only need to rest and perform some physical therapy to heal fully. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, it’s important that you seek medical care immediately and talk with your doctor about the various treatment options available to you. Follow your doctor’s orders—failure to do so could impact your claim.

What to Do if You’ve Suffered a Back Injury in a Car Accident

Knowing what to do if you’ve been injured in a car accident can be uncertain and unsettling. Our attorneys urge you to act quickly if you’ve been injured so as to best protect your right to compensation. Important steps to take include:

  • File a police report (and request a copy of the report)
  • Seek medical care immediately
  • Document all pain associated with your injury, as well as doctors’ visits, advice, treatment plan, etc.
  • Inform your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible
  • Follow your doctor’s orders and do not engage in any activities that could exacerbate your injury
  • Gather as much evidence about the accident as possible. In order to recover compensation for your injury, you’ll need to prove the degree of harm you’ve suffered and causation—that your injuries would not have occurred without the accident

Our South Carolina Car Accident Attorneys Can Help

At the office of the Marc Brown Law Firm, our experienced South Carolina car accident attorneys understand what you’re going through after being injured in a crash. If you’re dealing with a back injury, reach out to our law firm for a free consultation about your rights and your options related to recovering compensation for your harm. Contact us today.