Georgia Crime Victim Attorney

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime, you have gone through a physically and emotionally exhausting ordeal. Medical treatments, physical rehabilitation, lost earnings, and property damage may all add up to a costly burden.

If you were injured while a crime was being committed on someone else’s property, you can sue the property owner for justice and equitable recompense. Too frequently, property and company owners are aware of an impending or present threat yet do little to protect those on their premises.

You don’t have to be a victim if you’ve been hurt; let Marc Brown Law Firm assist you.

Crime Victims In Georgia

Proper security, appropriate lighting, and regular property upkeep can all help to avoid many crimes. It is the responsibility of property owners to maintain their premises secure. All responsible parties will be held accountable by our team. We assist crime victims who have been harmed by:

  • Muggings and other attacks in parking lots or on the streets
  • Sexual assaults, such as rapes and other forms of sexual violence.
  • Shootings, stabbings, and robberies at pubs and entertainment establishments
  • Police brutality

Contact us if you have been a victim of a crime and are feeling overwhelmed. We can help you pursue premises liability claims that may have contributed to your victimization. Our crime victim attorney will gather all of the evidence needed to present a compelling case in your civil case. You are entitled to compensation regardless of the outcome of the criminal court case. Victims of sexual assault, rape, shootings, robberies, and other violent crimes are helped by our firm. We concentrate on justice and recovery.

What Damages Can You Recover After Being A Crime Victim?

Compensation is the primary public policy goal of tort law. Money damages are given to compensate and make the plaintiff whole are known as compensatory damages. The system isn’t without flaws. It is impossible to reclaim one’s life, limb, or pain-free status. Compensatory damages, on the other hand, are a way of seeking to put the plaintiff in the same relative position as before the loss by monetary compensation. General and specific damages are the two types of compensatory damages.

Medical expenditures are one of the most prevalent types of costs that we collect on behalf of our clients.

  • The cost of treating psychological difficulties that arise as a result of the crime, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
  • The price of physical or rehabilitative treatment
  • The price of prescription drugs
  • Wages lost if you were unable to work due to your injuries.

We think that money will never be able to undo the devastating effects of a crime, but it can provide you with the financial security you need to focus on your recovery. This is why we strive so hard to ensure that every crime victim receives a just recovery.

Recovery For The Spouse Of Injured

A spouse of an injured individual may be eligible for compensation for “loss of consortium.” Damages for loss of consortium compensate for the loss of any services provided by one spouse to the other. Such services might include cooking, cleaning, home duties, household repairs, general companionship, and anything else that comes with a marriage.

Statute Of Limitations

The statute of limitations for most sorts of injuries is two years, but it can be significantly shorter in other cases.

Contact Our Georgia Crime Victims Attorney

Being the target of a crime is traumatic. However, you should not be forced to bear the financial consequences of someone else’s illegal behavior. At the Marc Brown Law Firm, our Georgia Crime victim lawyers can assist you in obtaining the compensation to which you are due.