South Carolina Dog Bite Lawyer

While the vast majority of dogs are harmless to people, there is the occasional bad-tempered dog (often abused as a puppy or by its owner) that lashes out. And, even well-behaved dogs will bite if they feel threatened, or are simply just roughhousing a bit too much. However you were bitten or attacked,  Marc Brown will help answer any questions you have about, reporting your South Carolina dog bite, filing a claim for compensation, and what a lawsuit entails.

Damages You Can Seek in a Sumter Dog Bite Claim

Even the smallest dog bites often require stitches and a trip to the emergency room. Moderate dog bite injuries entail overnight stays at the hospital, lost time at work, and potential surgery. The most serious dog bites are life-threatening. In any of these cases, the victim will likely suffer extensive emotional trauma, high medical expenses, and pain and suffering. As such, damages in a dog bite claim often include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement

What if I Don’t Want to Sue My Family Member/Friend/Neighbor?

Not all dog attacks are between strangers. In fact, more often than not, dog bite victims know the owner of the dog fairly well. They may be an acquaintance at the dog park, a neighbor, a close friend, or family member. When the victim and the dog owner know each other well, filing a personal injury claim can become a moral dilemma for the dog bite victim. Should they look after their own financial interests and ensure there is money to pay for hospital bills? Or should the victim just “suck it up” so their family member or friend does not have to suffer the consequences? Thankfully, no decision like this needs to be made, because the truth is that you, as the dog bit victim, will not end up being compensated directly by the dog’s owner. In a dog bite incident, the victim files the personal injury claim with the owner’s homeowners’ insurance company. Because of this, you can rest assured that you will not be putting the dog owner in financial harm.

Only Unprovoked Attacks can be Compensated

There are certain instances in which a dog bite claim will be denied. As you may have guessed, if you were trespassing and bitten by the property owner’s dog, your claim will be denied. Similarly, if you were attacked by a police dog during the commission of a crime, your claim will be denied. Furthermore, if you were somehow provoking the dog (such as teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog) your claim will be denied. In virtually all other scenarios, however, South Carolina personal injury claims are successful in compensating the bitten or attacked victim.

Call South Carolina Dog Bite Attorney Marc Brown

As a victim of a dog bite or attack, we urge you to call South Carolina dog bite attorney Marc Brown for legal assistance in filing a claim. Call (803) 848-0008 today to schedule a free consultation.