Jonesboro Dog Bite Attorney

If you were recently attacked or bitten by a dog, you may be feeling shaken up and struggling to figure out how you will cover thousands of dollars or more in medical expenses. The trauma of the accident may leave you with lasting emotional scars that never fully heal. Fortunately, you may be able to hold the dog’s owner and other liable parties accountable for your damages by taking legal action against them.

The thought of going to court and initiating a legal claim can be intimidating. When you have an experienced dog bite attorney from Marc Brown Law Firm handling your case, you can feel confident that your representative will stop at nothing to maximize your payout. Contact a dedicated personal injury attorney at our firm today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the steps you must take to demand justice.

Georgia and Strict Liability Dog Bite Laws

Technically, Georgia follows modified strict liability dog bite laws according to Georgia Code § 51-2-7. However, for strict liability to apply, the dog’s owner must have known the dog was quick to aggression. This does not necessarily mean the dog must have bitten or attacked before, as long as the dog’s owner knew that the animal had a propensity for violence. In this way, the state does not follow the “one bite rule” but rather a modified version of both dog bite laws.

What if the Dog Was Provoked?

If the dog was provoked into acting aggressively, you may find it more challenging to recover the compensation you might have otherwise been entitled to. Animals are unpredictable and dog bites are preventable. If you are accused of hitting, kicking, punching, or acting aggressively towards a dog who responds by attacking you, the dog’s owner or other liable party will likely argue that you are partially at fault.

Per Georgia’s modified comparative negligence laws under O.C.G.A. § 51-12-33, your settlement will reflect a shared fault deduction that correlates with your portion of liability. For instance, if your child accidentally stepped on a dog’s tail, which provoked the attack, the judge might find you 10% at fault. This means you would only be entitled to 90% of the compensation you were awarded.

You Are Entitled to Total Compensation

You should not be forced to absorb the impact of the dog owner’s negligence. You may be able to get your medical expenses covered by filing a claim against the dog owner’s homeowners insurance policy. Any remaining damages can be demanded through your dog bite lawsuit in court. This is where you can seek repayment for damages the insurance company does not cover, such as:

  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Lost wages
  • Future healthcare costs
  • Permanent disability
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering

Contact a Committed Dog Bite Attorney for Help Today

When your dog bite injuries are making it impossible for you to live your life normally, you may require financial support. The dog’s owner and anyone else who allowed the attack to occur could be held accountable for your damages. Our comprehensive investigation into the incident will help us identify the at-fault party and our potential personal injury legal options.

Do not let your shock and fear hold you back from demanding fair compensation. Connect with a dedicated dog bite lawyer from Marc Brown Law Firm to find out how you can make the dog’s owner pay. Fill out our secured contact form or call us to schedule your 100% free consultation today.